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Black Hole Information Paradox

  The universe is not stagnant, it expands every minute,  every second  at an accelerating pace. It came into being through a colossal explosion - The Big Bang . It gives birth to subatomic particles, stars, dust, gas clouds, etc. These bodies then carry on with their cycles. When massive stars run out of energy, they collapse into dense bodies like neutron stars or black holes through a supernova explosion.  Source -   A black hole is a region in spacetime where gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape it! Black holes consist of an event horizon,  the surface layer of the black hole , and a singularity,  the region where the spacetime curvature becomes infinite.  The theory  o f general relativity suggests that mass is stretched when thrown into a black hole.   In 1974, English Physicist Stephen Hawking discovered Hawking Radiation. What is Hawking Radiation, to be exact?  Hawking Radiation states that black holes are slowly losing their mass. The hot, dense bodi

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